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HomePosts tagged "halloween enfield"

Do you need a helping hand with your Halloween decorations this year? Let the professional painters & decorators from Enfield help you out!     Hand Painted Plates Are you having people over for a party or meal? A less expensive way of creating decorations is by hand painting plates for the walls & to use as, well, plates! Just take some paper plates and paint and create some ants, spiders & creepy crawleys.   Ghost Slipcover You can take an old sheet and cut up it to make it as a cloth to hang over a chair to give your dining room table a ghostly appearance. Spiders All you need is trash bags and some stuffing. Fill each trash bag with newspaper and then tie them together to create a creepy spider!   Ghost Walkway Take some old milk & decorate ghost faces on the front of them and then place some lights inside of them.